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Math Functions

Any math calculation or formula within ModCom can use the four basic arithmetic operators (+ - / *), the Exponent operator, as well as the complex math functions that are listed below. The following is a summery of each function and how to use it:

$ABS(n) Return the absolute value of n.
$SIGN(n) Returns the sign of n.
$RAND(n) Return a random number between 0 and n.
$SQRT(n) Return the square root value of n.
$LOG(n) Return the base-10 logarithm of n.
$NLOG(n) Return the natural logarithm of n.
$SIN(n) Return the sine of n radians.
$COS(n) Return the cosine of n radians.
$TAN(n) Return the tangent of n radians.
$ASIN(n) Return the arcsine value of n.
$ACOS(n) Return the arccosine value of n.
$ATAN(n) Return the arctangent value of n.
$DEG(n) Converts n radians to degrees.
$RAD(n) Converts n degrees to radians.
$NDEG(n) Converts n degrees to its' normalized value.
$NRAD(n) Converts n radians to its' normalized value.